- 145 million orphans worldwide
- 1 in every 13 children or orphaned
- 44,000 new orphans every day
- Every two seconds, another child becomes an orphan
- Every 90 seconds an orphan dies from malnutrition and hunger
- 400,000 orphans die every year of hunger and starvation
- Sixty million orphans go to bed hungry every night
Food for Orphans' mission is to provide food to as many orphans as possible. We partner with many orphans cregivers around the world who nee dour assistance providing food and care to the orphans.
Your $15 a month gift will provide life-saving healthful food every day to one precious orphan.
Food for Orhans' primary focus is on the orphans' biggest problem - the lack of food. Proper nutrition improves their immune system, helps them fight off disease, helps them focus in school, and eases the ache in their belly. In an effort to maximize your gift, 87% of all donations goes towards program services ... feeding as many orphans as possible.
Go to http://www.foodfororphans.org/ to make your pledge.