Honestly, I'd be lying if I said this thought never perplexes me.
In Matthew 25: 34-35, Jesus tells us about a day when the King will say to those on His right, "Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink."
The King responds, "I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one for the least of these, you did for me."
Wow! This passage captures the very heart of God, the heart that longs for us to look into the eyes of the one who is hurting -- the broken -- and see the face of Christ. As we minister to the scarred individual, we are reaching out and touching Christ Himself.
Herein lies the challenge. Will you look into the face of the orphan, the sick, the stranger and the poor? Will you look past their agonies and stigma? Will you look past all their hardness, deception and grief? Will you resist blaming or lecturing them about solutions to their problems? Will you look with eyes free of judgment, fear and disgust? Will you just gaze into their eyes and seek to absorb just a piece of their suffering into your own body? Will you purpose to see in them the face of the One who took all your inadequacies and nailed them to a tree?
Oh, the debt of love we owe!
Maybe orphan care is less about orphans and more about God crushing our very hearts. maybe it's less a matter of rescuing children from neglect and more a matter of rescuing us from the mire of self-absorption. Maybe it's not about just looking at a broken life, but more about being broken as we see the face of Jesus.
You may ask, "How do I get the chance to see Jesus in the face of one so needy?"
I challenge you to investigate the possibility of becoming involved in one of our mission trips or pledge to give $15 a month to provide nutritious meals every day to one orphan ... every month. Allow God to work through your life and provide nourishment for a confused and hurting child. It is my prayer that God will challenge your heart to answer His call to become involved with Food for Orphans.
Go to our new website, www.foodfororphans.org and make your commitment now.
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